GRO3 Stochastic growth model with recursive preferences and stochastic volatility (SV)

This model is similar to Caldara et al. (2012).

Model's structure

Response variable Consumption ($C$), Labor ($L$), Marginal utility with respect to consumption ($U_C$), Instantaneous utility ($U$), Production ($Y$), Utility ($V$).

State variable Capital stock ($K$), Log of productivity ($Z$), Log of productivity volatility ($\sigma$).

Shock Innovation to productivity ($\epsilon$), Innovation to productivity volatility ($\omega$).

Parameters Capital depreciation rate ($\delta$), Discount factor ($\beta$), Index of deviation from CRRA utility ($\nu$), Risk-aversion parameter ($\tau$), Capital share ($\alpha$), Share of consumption in utility ($\theta$), Persistence of log-productivity ($\rho_Z$), Persistence of SV ($\rho_{\sigma}$), Unconditional mean of SV ($\bar{\sigma}$), Standard deviation of SV ($\eta$).

Equilibrium equation

$$C_{t}: U_{C,t}=\beta\left(\mathrm{E}_{t}\tilde{V}_{t+1}\right)^{\left(\frac{1}{\theta}-1\right)}\mathrm{E}_{t}\left[\tilde{V}_{t+1}^{\frac{\theta-1}{\theta}}U_{C,t+1}\left(1-\delta+ \alpha e^{Z_{t+1}}K_{t+1}^{\alpha-1}L_{t+1}^{\alpha-1}\right)\right].$$

$$L_t: (1-\theta) C_t = \theta (1-\alpha) Y_t \left(\frac{1}{L_t}-1\right)$$

$$U_{C,t}: U_{C,t} = \theta \frac{1-\tau}{\nu} \frac{U_t^{1/\nu}}{C_t}$$

$$U_t: U_t = \left[C_t^{\theta}(1-L_t)^{1-\theta}\right]^{1-\tau}$$

$$Y_t: Y_t = e^{Z_{t}}K_{t}^{\alpha}L_t^{1-\alpha}$$

$$V_t: \tilde{V}_t^{\frac{1}{\nu}} = (1-\beta) U_t^{\frac{1}{\nu}} + \beta \mathrm{E}_t \tilde{V}_t^{\frac{1}{\nu}}$$

$$\tilde{V}_t: \tilde{V}_t=V_t^{1-\tau}$$

Transition equations

$$K_{t}: K_{t}=+\left(1-\delta\right)K_{t-1}-C_{t-1},$$

$$Z_{t}: Z_{t}=\rho_Z Z_{t-1}+e^{\sigma_t}\epsilon_{t}.$$

$$\sigma_t: \sigma_t = (1-\rho_{\sigma})\bar{\sigma}+\rho_{\sigma}\sigma_{t-1}+\eta\omega_t$$

Writing the model

The model is defined in a Yaml file: gro3.yaml.

Create the model object

model = recsmodel('gro3.yaml',struct('Mu',[0 0],'Sigma',eye(2),'order',5));
Deterministic steady state (different from first guess, max(|delta|)=0.74174)
 State variables:
      K            Z          Sigma 
    ______    ___________    _______

    9.3926    -2.3527e-18    -4.9618

 Response variables:
       C          L         Uc          U          Y          V         Vt   
    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    0.71389    0.32835    0.20716    0.82851    0.89799    0.68644    0.82851

 Expectations variables:
      EC         EVt  
    _______    _______

    0.20904    0.82851

Define approximation space using Chebyshev polynomials

smin       = [0.85*model.sss(1) -0.11 log(0.007)*1.15];
smax       = [1.20*model.sss(1)  0.11 log(0.007)*0.85];
[interp,s] = recsinterpinit(4,smin,smax,'cheb');

Find a first guess through first-order approximation around the steady state

[interp,x] = recsFirstGuess(interp,model,s);

Define options

options = struct('reemethod','1-step',...
                 'accuracy' ,1,...
                 'stat'     ,1);

Solve for rational expectations

[interp,x,z] = recsSolveREE(interp,model,s,x,options);

Use simple continuation method to solve for higher values of risk aversion

The procedure to solve for different parameters values has to be packed in a function. This is done in gro3problem.m.

function [X,f,exitflag] = gro3problem(X,z)
% GRO3PROBLEM Solves the model GRO3 for different values of risk aversion and IES

[model,interp,s,x,options] = X{:};

tau = z(1);
Psi = z(2);
nu  = (1-tau)/(1-1/Psi);
model.params(1)         = tau;
model.params(end-1:end) = [nu Psi];

[interp,x,~,f,exitflag] = recsSolveREE(interp,model,s,x,options);

X = {model interp s x options};

This function requires as input the cell array X:

X = {model interp s x options};

The function SCP starts from the known solution with a low risk aversion to find in 2 steps the solution with an higher risk aversion:

X = SCP(X,[5 0.5],[0.5 1/0.5],@gro3problem,2);
[model,interp,s,x,options] = X{:};

Simulate the model

xlabel('Capital stock')
xlabel('Log of productivity')
xlabel('Log of productivity volatility')
xlabel('Marginal utility wrt consumption')
xlabel('Instantaneous utility')
xlabel('Intertemporal utility')
Statistics from simulated variables (excluding the first 20 observations):
                Mean        StdDev      Skewness     Kurtosis       Min         Max       pLB    pUB
             __________    _________    _________    ________    _________    ________    ___    ___

    K            9.3726       0.3448     0.049759    3.1699         8.3612      10.667    NaN    NaN
    Z        -0.0010056     0.022278     -0.12717    3.0141      -0.082602    0.072685    NaN    NaN
    Sigma       -4.9589      0.13472    -0.079306    2.9814        -5.5057     -4.4161    NaN    NaN
    C           0.71284     0.017722    -0.020588    3.0338        0.65859     0.77676      0      0
    L           0.32833    0.0035491    -0.086214    3.1091         0.3127     0.34121      0      0
    Uc         -0.73063      0.02345     -0.19052    3.0803       -0.80705    -0.65302      0      0
    U            4.5172      0.13699      0.17868    3.1564         4.0595       4.959      0      0
    Y           0.89685     0.032524     -0.01658     2.985        0.79054      1.0092      0      0
    V           0.68632    0.0019234    -0.084775    3.0172        0.68021     0.69296      0      0
    Vt           4.5073     0.050563      0.12709    3.0239         4.3367      4.6713      0      0

                K           Z          Sigma         C            L           Uc           U           Y           V           Vt    
             ________    ________    _________    ________    _________    ________    _________    ________    ________    _________

    K               1     0.62478     0.046136     0.93156      0.20961     0.95867     -0.99857     0.73116     0.90316     -0.90282
    Z         0.62478           1     0.026014     0.86584      0.89427     0.81844     -0.61567     0.98918     0.89935     -0.89944
    Sigma    0.046136    0.026014            1    0.041852    0.0065812    0.043077    -0.046003    0.032588    0.040492    -0.040309
    C         0.93156     0.86584     0.041852           1      0.55058     0.99528     -0.92653     0.92909     0.99737     -0.99717
    L         0.20961     0.89427    0.0065812     0.55058            1     0.47492     -0.19805     0.82003     0.60862     -0.60875
    Uc        0.95867     0.81844     0.043077     0.99528      0.47492           1     -0.95661     0.89201     0.98696     -0.98715
    U        -0.99857    -0.61567    -0.046003    -0.92653     -0.19805    -0.95661            1    -0.72241    -0.89796      0.89806
    Y         0.73116     0.98918     0.032588     0.92909      0.82003     0.89201     -0.72241           1     0.95285     -0.95267
    V         0.90316     0.89935     0.040492     0.99737      0.60862     0.98696     -0.89796     0.95285           1     -0.99995
    Vt       -0.90282    -0.89944    -0.040309    -0.99717     -0.60875    -0.98715      0.89806    -0.95267    -0.99995            1

               T1         T2         T3         T4         T5   
             _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    K        0.99495    0.98532    0.97156    0.95413    0.93348
    Z        0.92544    0.85546    0.78812    0.72396    0.66418
    Sigma    0.87737    0.77009    0.67678    0.59627    0.52422
    C        0.97313    0.94488    0.91479    0.88323    0.85085
    L        0.90432    0.81569    0.73158    0.65263    0.58046
    Uc       0.98183    0.96106    0.93766    0.91191     0.8844
    U        0.99481    0.98507    0.97118    0.95365    0.93291
    Y        0.93633    0.87596    0.81718    0.76052    0.70699
    V        0.96592     0.9314    0.89576    0.85936    0.82292
    Vt       0.96594    0.93144    0.89583    0.85946    0.82304

Accuracy of the solution
 Equilibrium equation error (in log10 units)
    Max       Mean
   -5.3396   -5.6612
   -5.4924   -5.9614
   -4.7854   -5.0195
   -3.5812   -3.7903
   -5.0962   -5.4858
   -6.8940   -7.1197
   -5.3354   -5.5530


Caldara D.; Fernandez-Villaverdes, J.; Rubio-Ramirez, J. F. & Yao, W. (2012). Computing DSGE models with recursive preferences and stochastic volatility. Review of Economic Dynamics 15(2), 188-206.