Function Help: recsSSSP View code for recsSSSP Function Reference
  recsSSSP Solves for the deterministic steady state in rational expectations models
  S = recsSSSP(MODEL) tries to find the non-stochastic steady state of the model
  defined in the object MODEL. This function call uses as first guess for
  steady-state state and response variable the values available in the
  properties sss and xss of the object MODEL. RECSSS returns the value of the
  state variables at steady state. MODEL is an object created by recsmodel.
  S = recsSSSP(MODEL,S) uses the vector S as first guess for steady-state state
  S = recsSSSP(MODEL,S,X) uses the vector X as first guess for steady-state response
  S = recsSSSP(MODEL,S,X,OPTIONS) solves the problem with the parameters
  defined by the structure OPTIONS. The fields of the structure are
     display          : 1 to display the steady state if found (default: 1)
     eqsolver         : 'fsolve', 'lmmcp' (default), 'ncpsolve' or 'path'
     eqsolveroptions  : options structure to be passed to eqsolver
  [S,X] = recsSSSP(MODEL,...) returns the value of the response
  variables at steady state.
  [S,X,Z] = recsSSSP(MODEL,...) returns the value of the
  expectations variable at steady state.
  [S,X,Z,EXITFLAG] = recsSSSP(MODEL,...) returns EXITFLAG,
  which describes the exit conditions. Possible values are
     1 : recsSSSP converges to the deterministic steady state
     0 : Failure to converge