Function Help: recsSolveLocal View code for recsSolveLocal Function Reference
  recsSolveLocal Calculates the first-order perturbation solution of a rational expectations model
  recsSolveLocal implementes a slightly modified version of Klein's (2000) method.
  MODEL = recsSolveLocal(MODEL) calculates the first-order perturbation solution
  of the rational expectations model defined in the object MODEL. recsSolveLocal
  add to the properties of the object MODEL the structure LinearSolution, which
  contains the linear solution. To be used, recsSolveLocal requires the
  deterministic steady state to have been found before.
  Klein, P. (2000), Using the generalized Schur form to solve a multivariate
  linear rational expectations model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
  24(10), 1405-1423.
See also