STO4 Competitive storage with price-band backed by public storage

This model is an extension of Miranda and Helmberger (1988) to include a capacity constraint on the public stock level (see also Gouel 2013).

Model's structure

Response variables Speculative storage ($S^{\mathrm{S}}$), Increase in public stock level ($\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}+}$), Decrease in public stock level ($\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}-}$), Planned production ($H$) and Price ($P$).

State variable Availability ($A$) and Public stock ($S^{\mathrm{G}}$).

Shock Productivity shocks ($\epsilon$).

Parameters Unit physical storage cost ($k$), Interest rate ($r$), Scale parameter for the production cost function ($h$), Inverse of supply elasticity ($\mu$), Demand price elasticity ($\alpha$), Floor price ($P^{\mathrm{F}}$), Ceiling price ($P^{\mathrm{c}}$) and Capacity constraint on public stock ($\bar{S}^{\mathrm{G}}$).

Equilibrium equations

$$S^{\mathrm{S}}_{t}: S^{\mathrm{S}}_{t}\ge 0 \quad \perp \quad P_{t}+k-\frac{\mathrm{E}_{t}\left(P_{t+1}\right)}{1+r}\ge 0,$$

$$H_{t}: \frac{1}{1+r}\mathrm{E}_{t}\left(P_{t+1}\epsilon_{t+1}\right)=h {H_{t}}^{\mu},$$

$$P_{t}: A_{t}+\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}-}_{t}={P_{t}}^{\alpha}+S^{\mathrm{S}}_{t}+\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}+}_{t},$$

$$\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}+}_{t}:0\le\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}+}_{t}\le\bar{S}^{\mathrm{G}}-S^{\mathrm{G}}_{t-1} \quad \perp \quad P_{t}-P^{\mathrm{F}},$$

$$\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}-}_{t}:0\le\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}-}_{t}\le S^{\mathrm{G}}_{t-1} \quad \perp \quad P^{\mathrm{c}}-P_{t}.$$

Transition equation

$$A_{t}: A_{t}=S^{\mathrm{S}}_{t-1}+H_{t-1}\epsilon_{t},$$

$$S^{\mathrm{G}}_{t}: S^{\mathrm{G}}_{t}= S^{\mathrm{G}}_{t-1}+\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}+}_{t-1}-\Delta S^{\mathrm{G}-}_{t-1}.$$

Writing the model

The model is defined in a Yaml file: sto4.yaml.

Create the model object

Mu                = 1;
sigma             = 0.05;
model = recsmodel('sto4.yaml',struct('Mu',Mu,'Sigma',sigma^2,'order',7));
Deterministic steady state (equal to first guess)
 State variables:
    A    Sg 
    _    ___

    1    0.4

 Response variables:
    S    H    P    DSgp    DSgm
    _    _    _    ____    ____

    0    1    1    0       0   

 Expectations variables:
    EP    EPe
    __    ___

    1     1  

Sgbar = model.params(end-1);

Multiple steady states

In this model, there is no stock depreciation. This assumption implies that there are multiple steady states: as long as the steady-state price is between the floor and ceiling prices, any public stock level between 0 and $\bar{S}^{\mathrm{G}}$ is a steady state. Actually, the steady-state response variables are unique, only the public stock level is indeterminate as we can see in the examples below:

[sss1,xss1] = recsSS(model,[1 0],model.xss);
Deterministic steady state (equal to first guess)
 State variables:
    A    Sg
    _    __

    1    0 

 Response variables:
    S    H    P    DSgp    DSgm
    _    _    _    ____    ____

    0    1    1    0       0   

 Expectations variables:
    EP    EPe
    __    ___

    1     1  

[sss2,xss2] = recsSS(model,[1 0.2],model.xss);
Deterministic steady state (equal to first guess)
 State variables:
    A    Sg 
    _    ___

    1    0.2

 Response variables:
    S    H    P    DSgp    DSgm
    _    _    _    ____    ____

    0    1    1    0       0   

 Expectations variables:
    EP    EPe
    __    ___

    1     1  

Define approximation space

[interp,s] = recsinterpinit(20,[0.74 0],[1.4 Sgbar]);

Find a first guess through the perfect foresight solution

interp = recsFirstGuess(interp,model,s,model.sss,model.xss,struct('T',5));

Solve for rational expectations

[interp,x] = recsSolveREE(interp,model,s);
Successive approximation
  Major	 Minor	Lipschitz	 Residual
      0	     0	         	 1.50E-01 (Input point)
      1	     1	  0.8672	 6.27E-02
      2	     1	  0.6394	 2.84E-02
      3	     1	  0.6901	 8.93E-03
      4	     1	  0.7305	 2.41E-03
      5	     1	  0.7453	 6.14E-04
      6	     1	  0.7509	 1.53E-04
      7	     1	  0.7528	 3.78E-05
      8	     1	  0.7535	 9.32E-06
      9	     1	  0.7537	 2.30E-06
     10	     1	  0.7540	 5.67E-07
     11	     1	  0.7598	 1.40E-07
     12	     1	  0.9398	 3.24E-08
     13	     1	  1.0000	 0.00E+00
Solution found - Residual lower than absolute tolerance

Simulate the model

options.stat = 1;
recsSimul(model,interp,repmat([1 0],1E3,1),200,[],options);
xlabel('Public stock')
xlabel('Speculative storage')
xlabel('Planned production')
xlabel('Increase in public stock level')
xlabel('Decrease in public stock level')
Statistics from simulated variables (excluding the first 20 observations):
              Mean        StdDev      Skewness     Kurtosis      Min        Max       pLB       pUB  
            _________    _________    _________    ________    _______    _______    ______    ______

    A           1.004     0.050486    0.0050016    2.9912      0.78697     1.2316       NaN       NaN
    Sg        0.13528       0.1159      0.67697    2.4411            0        0.4       NaN       NaN
    S       0.0040365    0.0075183       3.7378    27.244            0     0.1444    35.415         0
    H         0.99999    0.0039457      0.54691    6.3107      0.96172     1.0097         0         0
    P           1.007      0.12142       2.1476    13.615      0.74116     2.8374         0         0
    DSgp    0.0092738     0.019729       2.8634    12.165            0    0.20619    38.557    1.0844
    DSgm    0.0089268     0.018965       2.7876    11.426            0    0.19424    26.427    9.2961

                A           Sg           S           H           P          DSgp         DSgm  
            _________    _________    ________    ________    ________    _________    ________

    A               1    -0.052898     0.57932    -0.52389    -0.81646      0.71504    -0.69501
    Sg      -0.052898            1    -0.10746    -0.51905    -0.09671    -0.048125     0.15038
    S         0.57932     -0.10746           1    -0.47524    -0.47195      0.28753    -0.24819
    H        -0.52389     -0.51905    -0.47524           1     0.58195     -0.36285      0.1295
    P        -0.81646     -0.09671    -0.47195     0.58195           1     -0.40827     0.42106
    DSgp      0.71504    -0.048125     0.28753    -0.36285    -0.40827            1    -0.21875
    DSgm     -0.69501      0.15038    -0.24819      0.1295     0.42106     -0.21875           1

               T1           T2            T3           T4            T5    
            ________    __________    __________    _________    __________

    A       0.041787      -0.02014     -0.015863     -0.02007     -0.016676
    Sg       0.93562       0.87078       0.81071      0.75463        0.7032
    S        0.16836      0.067865      0.049235     0.035641      0.030582
    H        0.49457       0.37386       0.31506      0.26788       0.23226
    P       0.079151      0.018209      0.015877      0.01248     0.0091157
    DSgp     0.02324    -0.0068244    -0.0071192    -0.013707     -0.010108
    DSgm    0.015919    -0.0061996    -0.0038683    -0.010361    -0.0059664


Gouel, C. (2013). Rules versus discretion in food storage policies. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95(4), 1029-1044.

Miranda, M. J. and Helmberger, P. G. (1988). The effects of commodity price stabilization programs. The American Economic Review, 78(1), 46-58.