recsAccuracy Evaluates approximation accuracy
SE = recsAccuracy(MODEL,INTERP,S) evaluates the accuracy of the approximation
defined in the interpolition structure INTERP for the model defined in the
object MODEL. The accuracy is assessed over the state variables contained
in the n-by-d-by-y array S, as output by resSimul. recsAccuracy returns a
n*y-by-d matrix SE containing the state variables on which the accuracy was
MODEL is an object created by recsmodel.
INTERP is a structure, which includes the following fields:
cx : coefficient matrix of the interpolation of the response variables
fspace : a definition structure for the interpolation family (created by
the function fundef)
SE = recsAccuracy(MODEL,INTERP,S,OPTIONS) evaluates the accuracy with the
parameters defined by the structure OPTIONS. The fields of the
structure are
extrapolate : 1 if extrapolation is allowed outside the
interpolation space or 0 to forbid it (default: 1)
[SE,LEE] = recsAccuracy(MODEL,INTERP,S,...) returns the matrix LEE containing
the value of Euler equation error (in log10) evaluated on the grid points SE.
[SE,LEE,lEF] = recsAccuracy(MODEL,INTERP,S,...) returns the nxy-by-m matrix
lEF containing the value of equilibrium equation error (in log10) evaluated on
the grid points SE. For models with finite bounds, this error is assessed
using a minmax formulation: Ef = abs(min(max(-f,LB-x),UB-x)).