Function Help: recsConvert View code for recsConvert Function Reference
  recsConvert Converts the interpolation structure of a model to another form
  INTERP1 = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL) convert the interpolation structure INTERP0
  corresponding to the model defined in the structure MODEL. It returns a new
  interpolation structure INTERP1. Without any more arguments this command does not
  change the interpolation structure. See below for entering new parameters.
  INTERP1 = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,N) changes the number of interpolation
  points along each dimension using N as the new number of grid points in each
  dimension. If N is a scalar, the same dimension is applied to every dimension.
  INTERP1 = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,N,SMIN) changes the minimum values of
  the interpolation grid using SMIN as the new minimum. The input N can be
  left empty (N=[]) is you want to change only the minimum values.
  INTERP1 = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,N,SMIN,SMAX) changes the maximum values
  of the interpolation grid using SMAX as the new maximum.
  INTERP1 = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,N,SMIN,SMAX,METHOD) changes the
  interpolation method, using the string METHOD.
  interpolation structure with the parameters defined by the structure OPTIONS.
  Most of the fields of the structure are those used in recsSimul, but it is
  also possible to define the following field:
    order       : for a spline interpolation, it is the order of the spline
                  (default: 3)
    simulmethod : simulation method used to conert decision rules to the new
                  interpolation structure, 'interpolation' or 'solve' (default)
  [INTERP1,S] = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,...) returns the matrix S containing
  the new grid of state variables.
  [INTERP1,S,X] = recsConvert(INTERP0,MODEL,...) returns the matrix X containing
  the value of response variables on the new grid.
See also