STO6SP Quarterly storage model with informational subperiods and annual inelastic supply

This model represents the market of a storable commodity that is produced once a year and stored for a year-long consumption. Supply is stochastic and inelastic. Contrary to STO6, there are informational shocks about the coming harvest that allows stocks to be adjusted before the full harvest is known.

Writing the model

The model is defined in 4 Yaml files: sto6SP1.yaml, sto6SP2.yaml, sto6SP3.yaml, and sto6SP4.yaml.

Create the model object

model = recsmodelsp({'sto6SP1.yaml' 'sto6SP2.yaml' 'sto6SP3.yaml' 'sto6SP4.yaml'});
model.shocks = cell(model.nperiods,1);
model.bounds = cell(model.nperiods,2);

params = num2cell(model.params);
[k, delta, r, elastD, d] = params{:};

Define approximation space and shocks

sigma = [0.05 eps eps eps];
n     = {50; 50; [50 5]; [50 5]};
smin  = {2.8; 2.05; [1.35 -0.15]; [0.67 -0.21]};
smax  = {6  ; 5.1 ; [3.9   0.15]; [2.72  0.21]};
for iperiod=1:model.nperiods
  % Shocks
  [model.shocks{iperiod}.e,model.shocks{iperiod}.w] = qnwnorm(5,0,sigma(iperiod)^2);
  model.shocks{iperiod}.funrand = @(nrep) randn(nrep,1)*sigma(iperiod);
% Interpolation structure
interp.fspace = cellfun(@(N,SMIN,SMAX) fundefn('spli',N,SMIN,SMAX),n,smin,smax,...
                        'UniformOutput', false);
interp.Phi    = cellfun(@(FSPACE) funbasx(FSPACE),interp.fspace,...
                        'UniformOutput', false);
interp.s      = cellfun(@(FSPACE) gridmake(funnode(FSPACE)),interp.fspace,...
                        'UniformOutput', false);

[,,] = recsSSSP(model,{4; 3; [2 0]; [1 0]},...
                                                  {[3 1]; [2 1]; [1 1]; [0 1]});

[s1,s2,s3,s4] = interp.s{:};
Deterministic steady state (different from first guess, max(|delta|)=0.0961408)
 State variables:
    A1      A2        A3        E3Prod        A4         E4Prod  
    __    ______    ______    __________    _______    __________

    4     2.9815    1.9756    1.4452e-19    0.98181    2.8904e-19

 Response variables:
      S1        P1         S2        P2        S3         P3          S4          P4  
    ______    _______    ______    ______    _______    ______    __________    ______

    2.9964    0.98214    1.9854    1.0197    0.98671    1.0577    1.3361e-18    1.0961

 Expectations variables:
		1.02	1.058	1.096	0.9821	


for iperiod=1:model.nperiods
  [LB,UB] = eval(['model.functions(iperiod).b(s' int2str(iperiod) '(1,:),params);']);
  model.bounds(iperiod,:) = {LB UB};

Provide a simple first guess

x4 = [zeros(size(s4,1),1)     (s4(:,1)/d).^(1/elastD)];
x3 = [s3(:,1)/2           ((s3(:,1)/2)/d).^(1/elastD)];
x2 = [s2(:,1)*2/3         ((s2(:,1)/3)/d).^(1/elastD)];
x1 = [s1(:,1)*3/4         ((s1(:,1)/4)/d).^(1/elastD)];

Solve for rational expectations

[interp,X] = recsSolveREESP(model,interp,{x1; x2; x3; x4});
Successive approximation
   Iter	Residual
      1	1.65E+01
      2	2.49E+00
      3	9.37E-01
      4	3.33E-01
      5	1.06E-01
      6	2.99E-02
      7	8.06E-03
      8	2.21E-03
      9	6.19E-04
     10	1.75E-04
     11	4.95E-05
     12	1.41E-05
     13	3.99E-06
     14	1.13E-06
     15	0.00E+00
Solution found - Residual lower than absolute tolerance

Compare STO6 and STO6SP when informational shocks are removed

if exist('Xcat','var')
  disp('Max absolute error in first subperiod storage and price (in log10)');
  disp(log10(max(abs(Xcat(:,[1 5])-X{1}))));

Introduced information shocks

sigma = [0.05/sqrt(3) eps 0.05/sqrt(3) 0.05/sqrt(3)];
for iperiod=1:model.nperiods
  % Shocks
  [model.shocks{iperiod}.e,model.shocks{iperiod}.w] = qnwnorm(5,0,sigma(iperiod)^2);
  model.shocks{iperiod}.funrand = @(nrep) randn(nrep,1)*sigma(iperiod);

[interp,X] = recsSolveREESP(model,interp,X);

[ssim,xsim,esim,stat,fsim] = recsSimulSP(model,interp,repmat(4,1000,1),200);
Successive approximation
   Iter	Residual
      1	4.74E-01
      2	8.75E-02
      3	3.68E-02
      4	1.66E-02
      5	6.33E-03
      6	2.93E-03
      7	1.30E-03
      8	3.96E-04
      9	9.84E-05
     10	2.22E-05
     11	4.79E-06
     12	1.00E-06
     13	0.00E+00
Solution found - Residual lower than absolute tolerance
Statistics from simulated variables (excluding the first 20 observations):
                 Mean        StdDev      Skewness     Kurtosis      Min         Max       pLB      pUB
              __________    ________    __________    ________    ________    _______    ______    ___

    A1            4.0357     0.19163       0.06465    2.9878        3.2041     4.8393       NaN    NaN
    A2            3.0171     0.15235       0.24829    3.1312        2.3922      3.713       NaN    NaN
    A3             2.011     0.11496        0.5569    3.5013        1.5876      2.604       NaN    NaN
    E3Prod    5.4327e-05    0.028824     -0.010354    3.0155      -0.12376     0.1235       NaN    NaN
    A4             1.017    0.080443        1.1514     4.662       0.79025     1.5146       NaN    NaN
    E4Prod    7.3159e-05    0.040745    -0.0014506    2.9953      -0.18843    0.18086       NaN    NaN
    S1            3.0321     0.15311       0.24829    3.1312        2.4041     3.7315         0      0
    P1            1.0066     0.21537        1.2864    5.3842       0.59948     3.0522         0      0
    S2            2.0211     0.11554        0.5569    3.5013        1.5955      2.617         0      0
    P2            1.0444     0.21805        1.2863     5.384       0.63226     3.1154         0      0
    S3             1.022    0.080844        1.1514     4.662       0.79419     1.5221         0      0
    P3            1.0825     0.22712         1.114    4.9948       0.58569     3.1812         0      0
    S4          0.035603    0.054246        2.1135    7.9023             0    0.45079    30.347      0
    P4            1.1208     0.24161       0.95138    4.4806       0.58498     3.2488         0      0

                 A1           A2           A3          E3Prod         A4          E4Prod         S1            P1           S2            P2           S3           P3          S4          P4   
              _________    _________    _________    __________    _________    __________    _________    __________    _________    __________    _________    ________    ________    ________

    A1                1      0.99899        0.993     0.0024029      0.95869     0.0019429      0.99899      -0.95003        0.993      -0.95002      0.95869    -0.92397     0.75093    -0.87923
    A2          0.99899            1      0.99731     0.0023972        0.969     0.0018378            1       -0.9359      0.99731      -0.93589        0.969    -0.91024     0.77226     -0.8661
    A3            0.993      0.99731            1     0.0023819      0.98161     0.0016637      0.99731      -0.90876            1      -0.90874      0.98161    -0.88385     0.80368    -0.84089
    E3Prod    0.0024029    0.0023972    0.0023819             1     -0.11245       0.70601    0.0023972    -0.0019278    0.0023819    -0.0019207     -0.11245    -0.20571    -0.29709    -0.18088
    A4          0.95869        0.969      0.98161      -0.11245            1     -0.079773        0.969      -0.83724      0.98161      -0.83721            1    -0.78345      0.8922    -0.74626
    E4Prod    0.0019429    0.0018378    0.0016637       0.70601    -0.079773             1    0.0018378    -0.0020694    0.0016637    -0.0020625    -0.079773    -0.14606    -0.34886    -0.31266
    S1          0.99899            1      0.99731     0.0023972        0.969     0.0018378            1       -0.9359      0.99731      -0.93589        0.969    -0.91024     0.77226     -0.8661
    P1         -0.95003      -0.9359     -0.90876    -0.0019278     -0.83724    -0.0020694      -0.9359             1     -0.90876             1     -0.83724      0.9725    -0.57003     0.92613
    S2            0.993      0.99731            1     0.0023819      0.98161     0.0016637      0.99731      -0.90876            1      -0.90874      0.98161    -0.88385     0.80368    -0.84089
    P2         -0.95002     -0.93589     -0.90874    -0.0019207     -0.83721    -0.0020625     -0.93589             1     -0.90874             1     -0.83721      0.9725    -0.56999     0.92613
    S3          0.95869        0.969      0.98161      -0.11245            1     -0.079773        0.969      -0.83724      0.98161      -0.83721            1    -0.78345      0.8922    -0.74626
    P3         -0.92397     -0.91024     -0.88385      -0.20571     -0.78345      -0.14606     -0.91024        0.9725     -0.88385        0.9725     -0.78345           1     -0.4711     0.94984
    S4          0.75093      0.77226      0.80368      -0.29709       0.8922      -0.34886      0.77226      -0.57003      0.80368      -0.56999       0.8922     -0.4711           1    -0.37586
    P4         -0.87923      -0.8661     -0.84089      -0.18088     -0.74626      -0.31266      -0.8661       0.92613     -0.84089       0.92613     -0.74626     0.94984    -0.37586           1

                  T1            T2            T3             T4            T5    
              __________    __________    ___________    __________    __________

    A1           0.20153      0.032782     0.00042194     -0.011956    -0.0074951
    A2           0.20676      0.034361     0.00044046     -0.012175    -0.0076794
    A3           0.21394       0.03655     0.00037985     -0.012522    -0.0079722
    E3Prod    -0.0040931    -0.0078807     -0.0050107    -0.0063428    -0.0047748
    A4           0.16634      0.028203     -0.0014939     -0.012323    -0.0076489
    E4Prod    -0.0036683    -0.0073908     -0.0055611    -0.0073471    -0.0060193
    S1           0.20676      0.034361     0.00044046     -0.012175    -0.0076794
    P1           0.15238      0.018343    -0.00087912     -0.010131    -0.0064648
    S2           0.21394       0.03655     0.00037985     -0.012522    -0.0079722
    P2           0.15236       0.01833    -0.00088855     -0.010136    -0.0064651
    S3           0.16634      0.028203     -0.0014939     -0.012323    -0.0076489
    P3           0.23653      0.035239      0.0010105     -0.010435    -0.0081844
    S4           0.00693    -0.0015752     -0.0066936     -0.010341    -0.0091342
    P4           0.34143      0.046942      0.0011096    -0.0097003    -0.0088653